Professor Jeremy Teoh, Department of Urology, Chinese University of Hong Kong to Visit Virtuoso Surgical Headquarters

jeremy-teoh-headshotProfessor Jeremy Teoh of the Department of Urology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), who is amongst the world leaders in research and development of en-bloc excision of bladder lesions and tumors, will visit Virtuoso Surgical headquarters in Nashville.

Teoh will discuss his seminal research on en-bloc excision and recently published multi-center randomized controlled trial showing statistically significant improvements in pathologic outcomes and a statistically significant reduction in bladder cancer recurrence rate at 1 year comparing current transurethral resection of bladder tumors (cTURBT) versus en-bloc excision.  Teoh performed multiple procedures in ex-vivo tissue models and was excited about the potential of Virtuoso to improve en-bloc performance and widen adoption.